Useful MongoDB Commands

I had the hardest time finding examples of how to connect to MongoDB via the command line and via a connection string in code. So I've compiled some helpful MongoDB commands here. For creating a database, creating a user, and connecting to the database.

Useful MongoDB Commands

So you have a mongoDB server up and running? Nice work, now here are some useful mongodb commands:

I had the hardest time finding examples of how to connect to MongoDB via the command line and via a connection string in code so here is an example of both.

Connect to MongoDB From the command line:

./mongo -u testdbuser -p S3cur3P@ss --authenticationDatabase test mongodbserver/test

Here I'm calling the mongo command from inside a directory where I downloaded MongoDB.

-u - Flag to specify your MongoDB user

testdbuser - Your MongoDB username

-p - Flag to specify your MongoDB user's password

S3cur3P@ss - Your MongoDB user's password

--authenticationDatabase - Flag to specify the database to authenticate against

test - The database to authenticate against

mongodbserver - Your MongoDB server name or IP address

/ - To separate the MongoDB server name/IP from the database name

test - Your MongoDB database name

Connect to MongoDB From URL String:


mongodb:// - Right

testdbuser - Your mongodb username

: - Separates the username and password

S3cur3P@ss - Your mongodb user's password

@ - Separates the credentials from the server information

mongodbserver - Your mongodb server name or IP address

: - Separates the server name/address from the port

27017 - The port to connect to your MongoDB server. The default port for MongoDB is 27017.

/ - Separates the database server information from the database name

test - Your MongoDB database name

To create a database and to switch to a database is the same command. If the database doesn't exist it will be created.

use test

Now that we are using a database lets create a user with read/write access.

            user: "testdbuser",
            pwd: "S3cur3P@ss",
                role: "readWrite",
                db: "test"

And here is how to change a user's password

db.changeUserPassword("testdbuser", "NEWS3cur3P@ss")

And here is how to add additional roles to a user

db.grantRolesToUser('testdbuser', [{
  role: "readWrite",
  db: "testdb2"
  role: "read",       
  db: "otherdb3"   
  role: "readWrite",       
  db: "anotherdb5"   

And here is how to remove roles from a user

db.revokeRolesFromUser('testdbuser', [{
  role: "readWrite",       
  db: "anotherdb5"   

Delete a user


To list all collections in the collection named mycollection


To import a CSV file into a collection

$ mongoimport -h -d mydb -c things --type csv --file locations.csv --headerline --authenticationDatabase admin --username 'iamauser' --password 'pwd123'

mongoimport - the command

-h - Flag to specify the database server hostname or IP address - Your database server name or IP

-d - Flag to specify the name of your database

mydb - Your MongoDB database name

-c - Flag to specify the collection to import the data into

things - The collection name we are importing into

--type - Flag to specify the type of file being imported

csv - The type of file we are importing

--file - Flag to specify the path to the file we are going to import

locations.csv - File name with absolute path to file

--headerline - Flag to specify the file's first row will be used for keys

--authenticationDatabase - Flag to specify the database to authenticate against

admin - Your MongoDB authentication database

--username - Flag to specify your MongoDB username

'iamauser' - Your MongoDB

--password - Flag to specify your MongoDB password

'pwd123' - Your MongoDB password

Drop/Delete a database


use databaseName

db.runCommand( { dropDatabase: 1 } )